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It - I, Zuleiha. Such me could remember Faruk. Here to me 2 years.

It - I, Zuleiha. Such me could remember Faruk. Here to me 2 years.

It too I.

It too I.

Our beauty mum - Aisha Fatihovna Sabitova

Our beauty mum - Aisha Fatihovna Sabitova

My mather (on the right) with sister Hatima apa Galeeva

My mather (on the right) with sister Hatima apa Galeeva

Welcome to my Web - page!

I am Zuleiha Miftahutdinovna Beilina (Sabitova)


My blue dream is to meet my brother Faruk.

The history of my family is very tangled. Shortly speaking, I was born in Girin (China) in 1943. My brother - Anver - in 1930. Faruk - approximate in 1940. And my yanger brother Daud in 1945. My mother - Aisha Fatihovna Sabitova (Galeeva). Me and Daud have one father - Sabitov Miftahutdin Hisnutdinovich. Faruk has his own Father (His first name is Salah, but I don't remember his last name, my mother is dead, I don't know whom to ask about his name).

In 1952 -1953 Faruk's father took him away to Tukey. During short time Faruk lived with his father. After his father's death, Faruk was adopted by one rich turkesh, who gave him education and job (i'm not quite sure, but I suppose that in USA). He was motorist on the ship.

At the sametime, in 50-ies my mother's sister, my aunt Hatima apa Galeeva also went away to Tukey. Faruk wisited her with an aim to know just something about his mother. My aunt told him that our mother with us (Anver, Zuleiha and Daud) went away in URSS in Khazahstan. From all this I decided that Faruk with his father were in the same town where was my aunt Hatima Fatohovna Galeeva, mother's sister. Hatima apa was dead in Turkey, but I don't know in what year it happend.

That's all I remember. I much hope that anyone from tatar community in Tukey or USA, will help me in searching for of my brother.

In nowadays, I live in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhniy Novgorod's region.

At present I there is on pensions, but, in spite of this, I continue to work the physician-neurologist. I there is Well-earned physician to Russian Federation.

I have an adult son and daughter and loved grandchildren: Artemka and Alenka..

Faruk with his father and mum on September, 7th, 1941

  Faruk with his father and mum on September, 7th, 1941

I with mum and the father

  I with mum and the father

Faruk with his father

  Faruk with his father

Mum with father's of Faruk

Mum with father's of Faruk

Picture album

The guest book

- I remember Faruk, when he came with the father to me, when I laid the patient in bed in plaster. It talked to me, sitting on a bed. I remember the joyful condition which always came when we met. The father led it to us seldom. It was in Harbin.
I hope, these photos from a family album will help to find the brother. Probably, it learns itself(himself) or our native... Will respond!
My E-mail: natmir@mail.ru

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